


例 : デライト・ビュッフェのディナーをご予約
(事前予約で通常価格の約10%割引 : 26€)
26€ 分の金券として、他レストランでご利用可能(※お食事の合計ご利用額が26€ 以下の場合でも、お釣りは出ませんので予めご了承ください。)

Buffet meal prices on 22h cruises with Victoria I

Save money and book meal coupons in advance!

By booking a meal package to your cruise, including all meals that you need during your cruise, you will save money. Dinner coupons are valid for payment on all food restaurants and breakfast coupons can be used also in the cafeteria. For buffet restaurant the coupon is valid on its own.

Book meals in advance from online system or from our booking center tel. +49(0)40 547 541 222. Meal reservations for same day departures should be done 2 hours prior departure at the latest. Payment is issued withing booking check out.

22 h -cruise with Victoria I Adult 12-17 yrs. 6-11 yrs.
in advance on board in advance on board in advance on board
Buffet dinner 41 43 19 21 15 16
Special breakfast 24,5 27 12 13 9 10
Sea breakfast 19 21 9 10 7 8
Buffet lunch 29,5 32,5 16 18 13 14
Meal package
1 x dinner buffet
1 x lunch buffet
1 x sea breakfast
83,5 96,5 38 49 29 38
Meal package (Deluxe-Exec. Suite)
1 x dinner buffet
1 x lunch buffet
1 x special breakfast
64,5 75,5 29 39 22 30

Buffet dinner includes drinks: beer, red and white wine, juice and soft drinks from tap.

Club One -customers get 5 % discount from meals and meal packages.