탈린크 실야 선박에서 제공되는 식품은 사회적 책임을 고려하여 현지 공급 업체로부터 공급받은 고품질 재료로 만들어집니다. 책임 있는 해산물 인증은 지속 가능한 개발을 위한 프로젝트의 일부입니다.
All our 11 passenger ships have been awarded MSC certificate, the most reliable environmental certificate for sustainable and trackable fishing.
MSC certificate for fish and seafood continues our work towards sustainable development. By seeing the blue MSC labels in ships restaurants, customers can be sure that the labelled products are from sustainable fisheries that catch fish in ways that ensure the long-term health of a stock or species and the wellbeing of the ocean.
Local food →
Food is big part of successful cruise experience. Our goal is to supply the fresh, high class materials from local suppliers whenever possible. Due to high customer numbers this is not always possible. For example, the Baltic herring on all our vessels is produced by local fisherman Vento Aalto from Pyhämaa, Uusikaupunki in Finland.
Vegetarian and vegan food →
Tallink Silja is developing the vegetarian and vegan food selection on ships together with clients and for example with social media influencers. Our aim is to meet the needs of vegetarians and vegans even better.
Reporting the origin of meat →
The materials and products to ships restaurants are bought from local suppliers whenever possible. Meat products are supplied from different countries, but we aim to use Nordic meat when the availability is guaranteed. The menus onboard changes with every season and we do our best to choose the materials produced on neighbouring countries (Finland, Sweden, Estonia).
Our suppliers are reliable and approved by authorities and to whom quality we can trust. The availability of the products is also a big factor on our decision making. In all our actions we aim to be as responsible as possible.
Egg commitment →
On Tallink Silja vessels over 1,5 million eggs are consumed every year only on Buffer breakfasts. Tallink Group is gradually changing towards using only eggs coming from open air chicken coops by 2025. This is one part of our goals on using more responsibly produced materials.
Food waste →
We have been cooperating with WWF to reduce the food waste. WWF organized workshops for the crew where the overall environmental impacts of food were discussed, and actions on how to reduce the food waste in kitchen were considered. We inform our also passengers about food waste and how they can impact on the subject both as a consumer and as restaurant client.
WWF Youth organization has produced variety of materials to our ships that helps us to get the attention of our passengers. In addition, we share information about environmental impacts of food to our loyal customers and other passengers.
Tap water →
Our suppliers are reliable and approved by authorities and to whom quality we can trust. The availability of the products is also a big factor on our decision making. In all our actions we aim to be as responsible as possible.
Drinking water on board is in separate water tanks and the quality is under strict monitoring of authorities. It is totally safe and environmentally friendly to fill your own water bottle instead of buying yet another plastic bottle of water.