Travelling by bicycle and scooter

Bicycles and scooters are modes of transportation, and like other vehicles, a ticket must be purchased for them.

The transportation fee is as follows:

On the Tallinn-Helsinki route, €5 one way,
On other routes, €10 one way.

Bicycles and scooters can board the ship through the vehicle check-in gates using the specially designated lane for cyclists. We recommend bringing a bike lock and following the instructions of the ship's staff while moving around.

나이 규정

탈린크 실야 선박 및 크루즈의 나이 규정
2019.2.1.부터의 여행 규정 →

탈린크 실야의 원본 서류는 법정 대리인(부모)과 청소년 단체 인솔자의 서면 동의를 받기 위해 사용됩니다. 

법정 대리인의 동의서는 크루즈 여행 중 소지하여야 하며 필요시 선내 담당자에게 제시되어야 합니다. 


서류 원본 (영문) 
단독 여행 허가서 (15–17세 대상, 부모 또는 후견인 작성)  
여행 허가서 (0-17세 대상, 부모 또는 후견인 작성)
보호자 안내서 (개인 여행객) 


18세 이하 청소년:

매일 전 노선, 오버나이트 횡단 & 왕복 크루즈

0–17세 아동 여행 조건:
- 법정 대리인 (부모, 후견인)
- 가족 구성원* 또는 법정 대리인으로부터 승인을 받은 기타 후견인(최소 25세)은 본인의 아동 외에 최대 2명까지를 동반할 수 있으며, 0-17세의 미성년자는 크루즈 내 법정 대리인의 동의서를 지참해야 합니다. 
- 후견인이 가족 구성원이 아닐 경우, 후견인 서류를 작성해 주시기 바랍니다. 
- 선실 당 후견인 한 명 배치 
- 청소년 단체에게는 별도 보호자 규정이 적용됩니다. 


15세 이하 아동:

매일 주간 횡단 셔틀과 주간 왕복 크루즈

15-17세 청소년은 단독 여행이 가능
- 후견인의 서면 동의서가 제시되어야 합니다. 

0–14세 아동은 아래 보호자를 동반
- 법정 대리인 (부모, 후견인)
- 가족 구성원* 또는 법정 대리인으로부터 승인을 받은 기타 후견인(최소 25세)은 본인의 아동 외에 최대 2명까지를 동반할 수 있으며 0-17세 아동은 크루즈 내 법정 대리인의 동의서를 지참해야 합니다.
- 후견인이 가족 구성원이 아닐 경우, 후견인 서류를 작성해 주시기 바랍니다.
- 선실 당 후견인 한 명 배치
- 청소년 단체에게는 별도 보호자 규정이 적용됩니다.


참고 사항
• 가족 구성원* = 부모, 법정 대리인, 조부모, 고/숙모, 삼촌. 단, 형제 관계는 인정하지 않음. 가족 구성원은 선박의 나이 규정을 준수해야 합니다. 형제 자매는 후견인으로 행사하기 위해서 최소 25세가 되어야 합니다.
• 미성년자에게 필요한 공식 서류가 구비되지 않았을 경우 선박 회사는 추가 요금 지불과 환불에 대한 책임을 지지 않습니다.
• 크루즈 여행을 직접 예매하시는 승객께서는 위의 요구사항을 만족하는지 확인하시기 바랍니다.
• 후견인은 동반한 미성년자의 주류 섭취와 선내/호텔의 규제 및 손해배상, 미성년자와 다른 승객의 안전에 대한 책임이 있습니다. 
• 공휴일과 그 전일에는 금요일 출항 시와 같은 나이 제한이 적용됩니다. 
• 탈린크 실야는 나이 규정에 대한 세부 사항 변경 권한을 보유합니다. 





예약 번호(booking number)와 영수증/바우처 및 신분증을 제시하고 승선권을 수령합니다. 필요한 입국 서류도 지참하시기 바랍니다. 헬싱키-탈린 구간과 기타 구간 데크 티켓 승객분들께서는 온라인 체크인이나 터미널 자동 발권을 권장합니다. 

도보(차량 미동반) 승객:

- 최소 1시간 전 터미널 도착을 권장하며 출항 30분 전까지는 체크인을 완료해야 합니다. 체크인과 승선은 출항 20분 전에 종료됩니다.
- 승선 완료 시간 이후에는 체크인이나 예약 취소 및 환불이 불가능합니다.

온라인 체크인:

- 개인 컴퓨터나 핸드폰으로 온라인 체크인이 가능합니다. 전자화면이나 종이 인쇄물의 바코드로 탑승하실 수 있습니다. 
- 전체 또는 부분 결제가 이루어지지 않은 경우 온라인 체크인이 불가합니다. 
- 온라인 체크인은 출항 전 24시간부터 가능합니다. 온라인 체크인 승객분들께서는 터미널에 출항 전 30분까지는 도착하시기 바랍니다. 승선은 출항 20분 전에 종료됩니다.
- 온라인 체크인은 헬싱키-탈린 구간을 이용하시는 도보 승객분을 대상으로 합니다. 
- 2021년 2월부터는 서비스 데스크를 이용하실 때 수수료 5유로가 부과되오니 되도록이면 탈린크 실야 앱이나 터미널의 자동 발권기에서 무료 체크인을 하시기 바랍니다.  

셀프 체크인 알아보기

차량 동반 승객:

- 출항 최소 1시간 전 도착 (스톡홀름-마리함 승객은 1.5시간 전).
- 올란드 승객께서는 룸파랜드(Lumparland)의 롱내스(Långnäs) 항구는 마리함 항구의 동쪽으로 30 km의 거리에 있음을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
- 각 승객분께서는 기간 유효한 여권을 필히 소지하시기 바랍니다. ("신분 증명" 항목 참고)


여권 및 비자 규정

신분 증명서 / 여권 및 비자 규정

탈린크 실야 크루즈 여정에 앞서 각 국가 규정에 맞는 여행 서류를 준비하시기 바랍니다.

AS Tallink Grupp과 항구 터미널은 ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code)를 따르고 있습니다. 본 규정은 선박 회사와 터미널 관계자들에게 여행 신분증을 확인할 것을 요구하고 있습니다.

모든 승객들은 터미널의 보안 검사에 응해야 하며 유효한 통행 신분증(여권)을 제시해야 합니다. 신분 확인의 의무사항은 모든 승객을 대상으로 합니다. 2012년 6월 26일 이후로는 모든 연령의 아동 또한 개인의 신분증(여권)을 소지해야 합니다. 부모님의 여권에 명시되어 있는 경우도 예외를 두지 않습니다.  

승객분들께서는 목적지 방문을 위해 비자가 필요한지 미리 확인하시기 바랍니다. 비자 신청은 개인적으로 이루어집니다. 비자와 신분증이 유효하지 않거나 부재할 경우에는 관계 당국에 의한 입국 거부를 받을 수 있으며 발생하는 비용은 해당 여행객이 부담합니다. 

여권과 비자 규정은 각 국가의 외교부 홈페이지를 참고하십시오:

핀란드 →

에스토니아 →

라트비아 →

스웨덴 →

쉥겐 비자가 필요하십니까? 26국의 쉥겐 국가는: 오스트리아, 벨기에, 체코 공화국, 덴마크, 에스토니아, 핀란드, 프랑스, 독일, 그리스, 헝가리, 아이슬란드, 이탈리아, 라트비아, 리히텐슈타인, 리투아니아, 룩셈부르크, 네덜란드, 노르웨이, 폴란드, 포르투갈, 몰타 공화국, 슬로바키아, 슬로베니아, 스페인, 스웨덴, 스위스입니다. 

쉥겐(Schengen) 비자 정보 »


신분 증명

신분 증명

모든 승객은 터미널의 신분 및 보안 검사에 협조해야 하며, 다음 신분증을 필요에 따라 제시해주시기 바랍니다. 

  • 여권 (한국인)
  • 사진 있는 신분증명서, 1999.3.1. 이후 발행 (임시발급 신분증명서 제외, EU 시민권자)


아동과 EU 시민권자를 비롯한 모든 승객들은 요청시 유효한 신분증을 제시해야 할 의무가 있습니다. 신원 확인에 필요한 서류를 구비하지 않거나 증명을 거부하는 승객들에게는 탑승이 허용되지 않습니다. 선박을 방문하기에 앞서 승선에 필요한 신분증 및 서류를 대사관이나 비자 서비스를 통해 확인하시기 바랍니다. 


Vehicle prices

The length and height measurements also include potential loads or roof racks. Vehicle height is measured at the harbour. A surcharge is payable if the vehicle height exceeds the height stated at the time of the reservation.

The purchase of tickets for vehicles with a net weight exceeding 3,5 tonnes (excluding vehicles carrying passengers: cars, buses, coaches, camper vans, or caravans) or wider than 2,6 meters or for vehicles without a driver or that are carrying goods or for tow trucks is done through the cargo department. Special ticket prices apply. Go to Tallink Silja Line's cargo website

Vehicles must always be driven off the ship immediately upon arrival (including at night).

Vehicle prices do not apply to cargo vehicles. Vehicles without a driver, and cargo vehicles (trucks, etc.), are priced according to our cargo price list.

Cargo reservations
in Finland tel. +358 (0)203 74266, Mon-Sat (not Saturdays during the summer period)
in Sweden tel. +358 (0)8 666 3555, Mon-Fri.

Tow trucks and towable vehicles

The transport of tow trucks and driverless vehicles must be registered through Tallink Silja Line’s cargo department.

The transport of towable vehicles must be registered through Tallink Silja Line’s passenger transport customer service.

Requirements for towing:

  • Both vehicles must have a driver with a driving license for that vehicle category.
  • When booking on the Tallink Silja Line’s website, choose one of the two options for the vehicle with a trailer:
    1. a vehicle with a trailer (height up to 2,4 m and maximum length 12 m) or
    2. a vehicle and trailer (height up to 4,4 m and maximum length 12 m).
  • The vehicle and the towable vehicle may each weigh a maximum of 3,5 tonnes.
  • If the total length exceeds 12 m, please contact Tallink Silja Line's customer service.


청소년 단체

We advise the whole group to aquaint themselves with the regulations for youth groups in already in advance when planning the voyage.

A youth group consists of a group leader or several leaders and the youths themselves. The group leader is responsible for making the reservation either with a travel agent or Silja Line's conference and group sales department. When making a reservation, the group leader should mention the group is a youth group since there amout of youth groups is limited. Silja Line confirms the booking after receiving the contact information of all leaders travelling with a given group (name, address, telephone number).

Group leaders area cabin of the same cabin class as their group. When making the reservation, the group leader is given the requisite number of Silja's general rules for group leaders. A copy is to be given to each group leader.

As a rule, group leaders should be at least 25 years of age and know the members of their group (at most 10 names of youngsters per group leader).

The group should arrive at the terminal one hour before departure. The group leader is responsible for taking care of the check-in procedures for the group and ensuring that the cabin numbers are entered on the group member lists. Group leaders board the ship together with their group and give the original group leader form to the security staff who inspect the boarding cards. The security staff may also ask the group members to provide proof of identity at the same time. Each group member is to carry valid proof of identity. Passports are required for certain destinations.

The group leaders' responsibilities include the following:

  • Ensure that the group does not make a noise or otherwise disturb their fellow passengers.
  • Ensure that the youngsters do not have alcoholic beverages with them.
  • Assist the ship's crew in disciplinary or other situations, following the crew's instructions.
  • The group leader and other group members are liable for any expenses due to and/or measures needed in the case of unwarrantable behaviour or vandalism towards other passengers, Silja Line or its property.


후견인 서류 안내 (영문 PDF) 

금 ∙ 토 크루즈 해당 서류   
일-목요일 크루즈, 데이 크루즈, 왕복 원점 크루즈 해당 서류


인터넷 연결

탈린크 실야 선박에서는 승객들을 위한 와이파이를 제공하고 있습니다. 일정 와이파이 용량이 개인별로 할당되며 항해 중 접속이 느려질 수 있습니다.

와이파이 이용을 위해서는 탑승권의 우측 상단에 있는 8자리 개인 번호를 자동 연결 창에 입력합니다. 하나의 번호로 장치 3개까지 연결할 수 있습니다. 한번 입력한 번호는 핸드폰에 저장되어 있어 항해 중 접속이 끊어져도 간편하게 로그인 버튼만 눌러 재연결 할 수 있습니다. 와이파이는 선내에서만 이용 가능하며 출항 2시간 전부터 작동하여 목적지 도착 2시간 후 종료됩니다.

탈린크 실야 선박의 와이파이 연결 알아보기:

헬싱키-스톡홀름 →

헬싱키-스톡홀름 인터넷 연결

실야 세레나데

연결 구분 데크 위치
WIFI 6 컨퍼런스 시설
WIFI 7 프로메나드
WIFI 7-8 스타라이트 공연장
WIFI 10 코모도르 라운지
PC 6 컨퍼런스 시설에 1대 이용 가능
3G/4G 연결 가능
SSID: Serenade

실야 심포니

연결 구분 데크 위치
WIFI 6 컨퍼런스 시설
FI 7 프로메나드
WIFI 7-8 스타라이트
WIFI 10 코모도르 라운지
  6 컨퍼런스 시설에 2대 이용 가능
3G/4G 연결 가능
SSID: Symphony

헬싱키-탈린 →

헬싱키-탈린 인터넷 연결


연결 구분 데크 위치
WIFI 7 트래블러 슈퍼스토어
WIFI 8 데크 8
WIFI 9 데크 9
WIFI 10 데크 10


비즈니스 라운지에는 고품질의 와이파이가 제공됩니다.
3G/4G 연결 가능
SSID: Megastar

WIFI 프리미엄 (메가스타)

메가스타 호에서는 더 나은 접속 환경을 위해 Wifi Premium을 구매하실 수 있습니다. 
- 최대 속도는 30 Mbit/s 입니다.
- 최소 보장된 속도는 1 Mbit/s 입니다.
- Wifi Premium은 대부분 뉴스나 이메일을 읽는 용도입니다.
- 따라서 HD 비디오 스트리밍이나 음악 및 영화 다운로드, 용량을 크게 소모하는 기타 용도로 사용을 금합니다.
- Wifi Premium은 선내 안내데스크나 컴포트 라운지에서 구매하실 수 있습니다 (수량 한정).
- 비즈니스 라운지에서는 무료로 제공됩니다.

WiFi 프리미엄 가격 € 위치
편도 5 콤포트 클래스
데이 티켓 7.5 콤포트 클래스
데이 티켓 10 스타 클래스 (기본 티켓)
데이 티켓 15 스타 클래스 (기본 티켓)
데이 티켓 10 스타 + 콤포트 클래스*

*가는 편과 오는 편의 셔틀에서 다른 클래스를 이용하실 때 


연결 구분 데크 위치
WIFI 7 비즈니스 라운지
WIFI 7 안내데스크
WIFI 8 데크 8, 선실 제외
WIFI 9 데크 9, 선실 제외

비즈니스 라운지에는 고품질의 와이파이가 제공됩니다.

3G/4G 연결 가능
SSID: Star

WIFI 프리미엄 (스타)

메가스타 호에서는 더 나은 접속 환경을 위해 Wifi Premium을 구매하실 수 있습니다. 
- 최대 속도는 30 Mbit/s 입니다.
- 최소 보장된 속도는 1 Mbit/s 입니다.
- Wifi Premium은 대부분 뉴스나 이메일을 읽는 용도입니다. 
- 따라서 HD 비디오 스트리밍이나 음악 및 영화 다운로드, 용량을 크게 소모하는 기타 용도로 사용을 금합니다. 
- Wifi Premium은 선내 안내데스크나 컴포트 라운지에서 구매하실 수 있습니다 (수량 한정).
- 비즈니스 라운지에서는 무료로 제공됩니다. 

WiFi 프리미엄 가격 € 위치
편도 5 콤포트 클래스
데이 티켓 7.5 콤포트 클래스
데이 티켓 10 스타 클래스 (기본 티켓)
데이 티켓 15 스타 클래스 (기본 티켓)
데이 티켓 10 스타 클래스 + 콤포트 클래스*

*가는 편과 오는 편의 셔틀에서 다른 클래스를 이용하실 때  


연결 구분 데크 위치
WIFI 5 선실 복도
WIFI 6 선실 복도, 씨어터 에우로파
WIFI 7 데크 7
WIFI 8 데크 8
WIFI 9 디럭스 선실
WIFI 11 선실 복도
WIFI 12 컨퍼런스 시설
3G/4G 연결 가능
SSID: Europa
투르쿠-스톡홀름 →

투르쿠-스톡홀름 인터넷 연결

발틱 프린세스

연결 구분 데크 위치
WIFI 5 컨퍼런스 시설
WIFI 6 안내데스크
WIFI 6 펍 및 바
WIFI 7 데크 7


3G/4G 연결 가능
SSID: BalticPrincess


연결 구분 데크 위치
WIFI 5 컨퍼런스 시설
WIFI 6 안내데스크
WIFI 6 펍 및 바
WIFI 7 데크 7
WIFI 10 디스코
3G/4G 연결 가능
SSID: Galaxy
스톡홀름-탈린 →

스톡홀름-탈린 인터넷 연결


연결 구분 데크 위치
WIFI 6-7 쇼바 스타라이트 카바레
WIFI 6 컨퍼런스 시설
WIFI 6 안내데스크
WIFI 7 데크 7, 디스코 제외
3G/4G 연결 가능
SSID: Victoria

발틱 퀸

연결 구분 데크 위치
WIFI 5 컨퍼런스 시설
WIFI 6 데크 6
WIFI 7 데크 7
WIFI 10 디스코

3G/4G 연결 가능
SSID: Queen

스톡홀름-리가 →

스톡홀름-리가 인터넷 연결


연결 구분 데크 위치
WIFI 6-7 쇼바 스타라이트 캬바레
WIFI 6 컨퍼런스 시설
WIFI 6 안내데스크
WIFI 7 데크 7, 디스코 제외
3G/4G 연결 가능
SSID: Romantika


연결 구분 데크 위치
WIFI 7 안내데스크, 레스토랑
WIFI 8 데크 8
WIFI 9 디스코
WIFI 10 컨퍼런스 시설
WIFI 11 컨퍼런스 시설, 선 덱

SSID: Isabelle

맨 위로 이동

선상 지불 방식 | 카드 & 현금


핀란드-에스토니아 간의 탈린크 선박: 현금 지불은 유로(EUR)로 하실 수 있습니다. 결제 가능한 카드는 다음과 같습니다. 

-  비자 체크카드, 비자 일렉트론, VPAY (위성 연결 가능시)
-  마스터카드 체크카드, 마에스트로 (위성 연결 가능시)
-  비자 (신용카드)
-  마스터카드 (신용카드)
-  아메리칸 익스프레스
-  유니온 페이 (위성 연결 가능시)

스톡홀름-탈린 선박: 현금 지불은 유로화(EUR)로 하실 수 있습니다. 결제 가능한 카드는 다음과 같습니다. 2022년 6월 1일부터 스웨덴 크로나(SEK)화는 선박에서 통용되지 않습니다. 

-  비자 체크카드, 비자 일렉트론, VPAY (위성 연결 가능시)
-  마스터카드 체크카드, 마에스트로 (위성 연결 가능시)
-  비자 (신용 카드)
-  마스터카드 (신용 카드)
-  아메리칸 익스프레스
-  유니온 페이 (위성 연결 가능시)

스웨덴-핀란드 간의 실야라인 선박 현금 지불은 유로화로 하실 수 있습니다. 결제 가능한 카드는 다음과 같습니다. 스웨덴 크로나(SEK)화는 선내에서 통용되지 않습니다. 

-  비자 체크카드, 비자 일렉트론, VPAY (위성 연결 가능시)
-  마스터카드 체크 카드, 마에스트로 (위성 연결 가능시)
-  비자 (신용 카드)
-  마스터카드 (신용 카드)
-  아메리칸 익스프레스
-  유니온 페이 (위성 연결 가능시) 


<터미널/판매처에서 수용하는 결제 방식>

헬싱키 올림피아 터미널은 결제 시 현금 지불을 받지 않습니다. 핀란드 은행 카드나 상단에 언급된 카드로 결제가 가능합니다.

헬싱키 서부 터미널 T1 & T2 및 판매처는 현금 지불, 핀란드 은행 카드, 에우로카드(EuroCard), 마스터카드, 비자, 비자 일렉트론, 마에스트로 & 아메리칸 익스프레스를 취급합니다. 

투르쿠 터미널은 결제 시 현금 지불을 받지 않습니다. 핀란드 은행 카드와 상단에 언급된 카드 사용만이 가능합니다

탈린 터미널은 현금 지불, 에스토니아 은행 카드와 위에 언급된 탈린크 선박에서 유효한 카드이 가능합니다.

스톡홀름 배르탄 터미널은 스웨덴 은행 카드를 비롯한 국제적으로 통용되는 모든 신용 카드 및 체크 카드를 취급합니다.


<콜 센터 결제 방식>

전화 상으로는 비자, 마스터카드, 에우로카드, 아메리칸 익스프레스 카드로 결제가 가능하며, 다이너스 클럽 카드는 사용 불가합니다. 


<에스토니아 내 결제 방식>

탈린 터미널은 유로로 현금 지불, 에스토니아 은행 카드, 위에 언급된 신용카드를 받습니다. 시중 상점은 국제적으로 통용되는 카드를 대부분 취급합니다. 은행이나 자동현금인출기(ATM)에서 신용 카드로 현금 인출을 하실 수 있습니다. 



안내 데스크에서 유로와 스웨덴 크로나화를 환전하실 수 있습니다. 슬롯 머신 용의 동전 교환도 가능합니다.


시간차와 선박 시각

출항과 착항 시각은 현지 시간으로 표시됩니다. 핀란드는 스웨덴 보다 한 시간 앞서 있습니다. 에스토니아와 라트비아는 핀란드와 같은 시간을 공유합니다.

선상의 시간은 현지 시간으로 표시됩니다.
실야 세레나데
핀란드 시각
스웨덴 시각
실야 심포니
발틱 프린세스
핀란드 시각
스웨덴 시각
  투르쿠-스톡홀름 스톡홀름-투르쿠
실야 갤럭시
핀란드 시각
스웨덴 시각
실야 에우로파
핀란드 시각
스타 / 메가스타
  스톡홀름-리가 리가-스톡홀름
라트비아 시각
라트비아 시각
  탈린-스톡홀름 스톡홀름-탈린
발틱 퀸
에스토니아 시각
스웨덴 시각
빅토리아 I


선내 안전 대책

일반 정보
탈린크 실야는 탑승객과 선박 및 환경을 보호하는 임무를 맡고 있습니다. 본 선박은 높은 안전 기준을 충족하고 있습니다. 

직원 교육
선박의 직원들은 해상 근무 전 필수 안전 교육을 이수하며 선상에서 매 주 있는 훈련에 참가합니다. 본 회사는 해양 구조 시설과 바로 연락을 취할 수 있으며 인근 나라 협조 하에 선박에서 주요 연습 훈련을 실시합니다. 선박에는 화재 방지와 구급 처치, 안전 기구들을 다룰 수 있는 특수 기술을 가진 직원이 상주합니다. 

선상 안내
본 선박과 선박의 안전 및 보안 절차는 해상 당국에 의해 정기적으로 통제 및 인증됩니다. 또한 정기적인 유지 보수 외에도 내부 감사 및 통제가 수행됩니다. 매 출항시 승무원이 안전 공지를 포함한 안내문을 방송합니다. 선상 안전에 대한 자세한 내용은 선실 및 안내 데스크에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 

위급 상황
선상의 직원은 위협 및 비상 사태가 발생할 경우를 대비하여 승객을 구출하는 방법을 정기적으로 연습합니다. 비상 사태 시에는 짧은 신호 7회와 긴 신호 1회가 울립니다. 이 신호가 울리면 가까운 대피 장소로 전원 집합합니다. 가까운 대피 장소(긴급 집합소) 지도는 선실과 복도에서 보실 수 있습니다. 위급 사태 진행 시에는 스피커를 통해 집합 장소와 안전 지침에 대한 안내가 지속적으로 이루어집니다. 

안전 장비
안전 장비의 수는 탑승자의 최대 인원을 수용할 수 있습니다. 성인 및 아동용의 구명 조끼와 사용법 안내는 대피 장소에서 제공됩니다.

화재 대처
본 선박의 모든 구역에는 열과 연기 감지기와 스프링클러 시스템이 장착되어 있습니다. 선박 곳곳에는 방화문이 있어 화재 피해 확대를 차단합니다. 복도에는 출구로 통하는 비상등이 있습니다. 보안관이 매일 정기적으로 순찰을 실시하고 있습니다. 

기타 정보
선실, 복도 및 안내데스크에서 안전과 보안에 대한 안내를 받으실 수 있습니다. 매 출항시 일반적인 안전 공지가 선박 전체에 이루어집니다. 더 필요한 사항이 있으시면 직원에게 문의하시기 바랍니다. 


Safety regulations on the car deck

Passengers with cars and motorcycles must take the following instructions into account:

Any items in the vehicle must be well secured. Smoking and open fires are not allowed on the car deck.

Passengers have no access to the car deck during the voyage. The car deck will be closed during the journey and opened 15-30 minutes before arrival in port.

Passengers must follow the instructions of the personnel on the car deck. You must not switch on thee engine until it is your turn to drive off the ship.

Flammable liquids may not be transported in open containers on the car deck.

The gas valves in caravans must be closed during the voyage.

Inform the personnel of any hazardous substances (gases, explosives, flammable and corrosive liquids, etc.). Their transportation on passenger ships is subject to restrictions. If you transport such substances, inform the check-in personnel before departure and make sure you have all the appropriate documents.

It is currently not possible to charge electric cars on ships. In addition to the safety aspect, this is also related to emissions, because at least for the time being we are unable to offer green electricity for charging cars. We also do not transport broken electric cars.  


선상 흡연 구역

안전을 위해 흡연 구역은 외부 데크와 "Smoking area" 표시가 있는 구역에서만 가능합니다.

선실에서는 흡연이 절대 금지되어 있으며 레스토랑, 선실 복도, 엘리베이터 및 계단에서도 금지됩니다.

안내 데스크에서 상세한 정보를 얻으실 수 있습니다.

분실물 보관

헬싱키-스톡홀름, 헬싱키-탈린, 스톡홀름-탈린의 선박에서 수거된 분실물은 핀란드 헬싱키의 Suomen Löytötavarapalvelu (Finland's Found Property Service)로 보내집니다. 

주소: Mäkelänkatu 56, 00510 Helsinki
운영시간: 월-금 10:00-18:00, 토 10:00-14:00

전화: +358 (0)600 41006
팩스: +358 (0)600 14108

투르쿠-스톡홀름 선박에서 수거된 분실물은 핀란드 투르쿠의 Suomen Löytötavarapalvelu (Finland's Found Property Service)로 보내집니다. 
주소: Kauppakeskus Länsi1, Viilarinkatu 5, 20320 Turku
전화: +358 (0)600 03391 (1,98 € /분+통화요금)
팩스: +358 (0)600 14108 (1,99 €/건)

리가-스톡홀름 선박에서 수거된 분실물 문의는 고객센터(를 이용해주시기 바랍니다.


*여행 중에는 승객과 수화물 안전 및 보상을 충분히 보장할 수 있는 금액의 보험을 소지하시기 바랍니다. 

애완동물 동반

애완동물 동반 크루즈

애완동물 해외 운반 및 수입 문의는 아래 연락처를 참고하세요.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Department of Food and Health (Evira)
Mustialankatu 3, FI-00790 Helsinki, Finland
전화: +358 (0)20 690 991 (weekdays 9.00-11.00)

Swedish Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket)
551 82 Jönköping
전화: +46 (0) 36-15 50 00
팩스: +46 (0) 36-19 05 46

Veterinary and Food Board
Västriku 2b, 11312 Tallinn
전화: +372 658 0420
팩스: +372 658 042

애완동물은 애완동물 전용 선실이나 캐리어를 사용할 경우 대부분 크루즈에 탑승할 수 있습니다 (특별 크루즈인 경우 예외 사항이 있을 수 있음). 단, 맹도견 등의 특수 사유가 있는 애완 동물의 경우 티켓 요금이 부과되지 않습니다. 대중의 위생 및 안전을 위협할 수 있는 위험한 동물은 크루즈 탑승이 불가합니다.  

승객분들께서는 당국이 제시하는 기준에 적합한 서류를 소지하셔야 하며 해당 규정을 준수하셔야 합니다. 규정 위반으로 인해 출입 금지나 반송 등의 절차가 이루어질 때 발생하는 비용은 개인적으로 부담하셔야 합니다. 또한 유럽 연합 국가 내에서 이동하실 때는 애완동물 여권을 필수로 지참하셔야 합니다. 

탈린크 실야 크루즈에는 애완동물 전용 선실이 제한적으로 마련되어 있습니다. 데이 크루즈의 경우 상륙 시간에 애완동물만 선실에 두고 내리실 수 없습니다. 항해 시에는 식사 및 쇼핑 등의 짧은 시간 동안만 허용되며 이외의 시간에는 늘 주인과 동반하여야 합니다. 목적지의 호텔도 애완동물 수용이 가능한지 확인하시기 바랍니다. 

8kg 이하의 작은 애완동물은 전용 캐리어 사용을 전제로 선내 시설에 입장할 수 있습니다(어린이 시설, 레스토랑, 바 제외). 선내와 터미널에서는 늘 관리감독을 철저히 해주시기 바랍니다. 본 애완동물의 경우 별도 크루즈 티켓이 필요합니다. 

8kg 이상의 큰 애완동물은 선내의 특별 우리나 애완동물 전용 선실에 등록할 수 있습니다. 애완동물 전용 선실은 선박 당 갯수가 제한되어 있으므로 미리 예약하시기 바랍니다. 객실 외부에서는 목줄과 입마개를 상시 착용하고 주인을 동반하여야 합니다. 탈린크 실야 선박에서는 위생과 안전을 이유로 바나 레스토랑, 공공 장소의 동물 입장을 제한하고 있으며 객실의 침대 사용도 금지하고 있으니 양해해 주시기 바랍니다. 


Scheduled traffic between Finland and Sweden/Åland

Helsinki-Stockholm and Turku-Stockholm or v.v.

Silja Symphony, Silja Serenade, Galaxy and Baltic Princess:

Price: 16 €/animal/one way

Cabin reservations are compulsory on both day and night departures. Passengers travelling with pets must reserve a whole cabin C-, B- or A-categories (not in the Promenade-class). There are a limited number of cabins for pets available. The number of animals is limited; max 3 animals allowed per cabin.

Walking the pets on outside deck:

Symphony: on deck 12, aft of the ship

Serenade: on deck 12, aft of the ship

Galaxy: Deck 10, aft of the ship, left side. Elevator access from the back

Baltic Princess: Deck 6

- A sandbox can be found from the deck for pet use 24/7

Scheduled traffic between Sweden and Estonia/Latvia

Stockholm-Tallinn and Stockholm-Riga or v.v.

Victoria I, Baltic Queen, Romantika and Isabelle:

Price: 16 €/animal/one way

Pets must travel in the special on-board kennels or in the pet friendly cabins on deck 5. Passengers travelling with pets must reserve a whole cabin. A limited number of cabins is allocated for pet transportation. The number of animals is limited; max 3 animals allowed per cabin.

There are two sizes of pet kennel cages available:
3 smaller cages with dimensions of 84x65x96 cm
2 larger cages with dimensions of 100x84x96 cm

NB! No pet kennel cages on board Isabelle.

Scheduled traffic between Finland and Estonia

Helsinki-Tallinn or v.v.

Star, Megastar and Europa:

Price: 13 €/animal/one way, 26€/animal/overnight departures

Pets must be transported in a kennel or in the pet friendly cabins (max 3 animals allowed per cabin). Passengers travelling with pets should contact the information desk on board immediately after boarding. The kennel or cabin must be booked in advance.

On board Star, there are 6 pet kennel cages with dimensions of 70x96x92 cm.
On board Megastar, there are 6 smaller pet kennel cages with dimensions of 69x77,5x102 cm and 4 larger pet kennel cages with dimensions of 103,5x77,5x102 cm.

The number of pets per voyage is limited.

On board Star and Megastar it is also possible to transport pets without any extra charge in the owner's vehicle at the owner's responsibility during the 2 hour one way crossing. (NB! There is no access to the car deck during the voyage due to security reasons.)

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유레일 ∙ 인터레일 카드 할인


유레일 및 인터레일 패스 승객 할인
구간 할인율
헬싱키-스톡홀름                             -20% /객실, -50% /데크석
탈린-스톡홀름                                 -20% /객실, -50% /데크석
투르쿠-스톡홀름                             -20% /객실, -30% /데크석
헬싱키-탈린                                     -20%-40% 스타 클래스
리가-스톡홀름                                 -20% /객실

주의: 체크인 시 유효한 유레일 / 인터레일 패스를 제시하셔야 합니다. 

상기의 할인 적용은 C/E-A 선실 편도 및 왕복 정상가격을 기준으로 합니다. 헬싱키-탈린 노선에는 스타 기본 클래스에 할인이 적용되며, 투르쿠-스톡홀름 데이 크루즈(아침 출항)에는 데크 티켓(선실 불포함)에만 적용됩니다.

할인 티켓은 수량이 정해져 있습니다. 할인율은 출항 날짜와 예매 상황에 따라 변동됩니다. 

할인은 선실 단위로 적용되며 부분적 할인(남녀 구분 객실)은 불가합니다.

또한 데이 크루즈와 호텔 패키지에는 적용되지 않습니다.

온라인 예매 시 소지하신 카드에 따라 프로모션 코드 EURAIL이나 INTERRAIL을 직접 입력하시기 바랍니다. 

기념 사진

탈린크 실야 선박(빅토리아 I, 발틱 퀸, 실야 에우로파, 탈린크 셔틀 제외)에서는 기념 사진을 선상에서 구매하실 수 있습니다. 촬영된 사진은 판매 및 승객 확인 이외의 다른 용도로 사용되지 않습니다. 판매되지 않은 사진은 크루즈 후 즉시 폐기됩니다. 


EU regulation no. 1177/2010 Passenger rights

This Regulation establishes rules for sea and inland waterway transport as
regards the following:

• non-discrimination between passengers with regard to transport conditions offered by carriers

• non-discrimination and assistance for disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility

• the rights of passengers in cases of cancellation or delay

• minimum information to be provided to passengers

• the handling of complaints

Regulation is effective as from 18.12.2012


General terms for package tours



These terms and conditions for package travel pertain to Tallink Silja Oy as of 1 July 2018. These terms and conditions are based on the mandatory provisions of Directive (EU) 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council on package travel and linked travel arrangements and the Finnish Act on Travel Service Combinations (901/2017), Regulation (EU) No 1177/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the rights of passengers when travelling by sea and inland waterway, and As Tallink Grupp’s Standard Conditions of Carriage, Passenger Security Regulations and Travel Terms and Conditions for Individuals. For the purposes of these terms and conditions for package travel, the “ferry company” means Tallink Silja Oy.

1. Scope of application
1.1. Terms and conditions for package travel 
These terms and conditions apply to packages that cover a period of at least 24 hours or include overnight accommodation and are purchased primarily for private purposes, comprising at least carriage of passengers and accommodation or other essential additional service in combination of package travel, provided that the package is sold or marketed in Finland. 
1.2. Special terms and conditions 
The ferry company has the right to introduce special terms and conditions that deviate from these terms and conditions if the introduction of special terms and conditions can be justified due to the special nature of the trip, special regulations concerning the form of transport (such as the terms and conditions applicable to booking and paying for scheduled flights), special terms and conditions applicable to accommodation resulting from the special nature of the trip or special conditions at the destination. 

2. Package travel contracts and responsibility for delivering on contracts
2.1. The ferry company is responsible for ensuring that the travel package delivers what has been agreed with the traveller. The ferry company is also responsible for any services they procure from service providers in order to deliver on the contract (such as transport operators and hotels).
2.2. Content of contracts
Each trip must include the services and arrangements that have been agreed between the traveller and the ferry company. The contract must cover all the terms and conditions supplied in writing or electronically before the conclusion of the contract and other information concerning the trip required under the applicable acts and decrees. Tallink Silja Oy will inform the traveller appropriately when the traveller purchases a package within the meaning of EU Directive 2015/2302. In this case, Tallink Silja Oy will be fully responsible for the proper performance of the package as a whole and has, as required by law, protection in place to refund the travellers’ payments and, where transport is included in the package, to ensure the travellers’ repatriation in the event that the ferry company becomes insolvent.
Tallink Silja Oy has acquired insolvency protection from the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority KKV, P.O.Box 5, FI-00531 Helsinki. Visiting address: Lintulahdenkuja 2, 00530 Helsinki. Tel: +358 (0)29 505 3000, e-mail:
Travellers may contact this entity or, where applicable, the competent
authority if services are denied because of Tallink Silja Oy's insolvency.
2.3. Travel documents and travel insurance 
The ferry company must provide the traveller with general information about the travel documents of the destination country prior to concluding the contract. The traveller is responsible for observing the ferry company’s instructions and ensuring that they have the necessary documents for their trip (e.g. passport, personal identity card, visa, travel permits) and that these documents and tickets are correct and match each other. The traveller is also responsible for checking transport timetables. As long as the ferry company has provided all the necessary information, it cannot be held liable for any loss incurred by the traveller if the traveller is unable to participate in all or part of the trip due to inadequate travel documents. The ferry company cannot be held liable for any voluntary insurance that the traveller may need for the trip. Instead, the traveller is responsible for obtaining insurance themself and for ensuring that it covers what is needed in the event of cancellations, for example. To this end, the ferry company shall instruct the traveller to obtain sufficient insurance to cover accidents and property damage as well as cancellations.  
2.4. Potential safety risks at the destination 
The ferry company must inform the traveller of any special risks relating to the trip and the general health regulations in force in the destination country prior to the trip. The traveller is responsible for obtaining any advice specific to their personal health concerns themself. The traveller must be provided with instructions in the event of an illness, an accident or another similar event. 
The safety of the traveller while abroad is primarily the responsibility of the traveller themself and the authorities of the country in question. The traveller must take local conditions into consideration in their actions.
Key information about the safety and other characteristics of specific travel destinations is available on the websites of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the National Institute for Health and Welfare at and The traveller must read the information in order to familiarise themself with local conditions at the destination.   
2.5. The ferry company’s obligation to provide assistance
If the traveller falls ill, has an accident, becomes a victim of a crime or suffers other losses during the trip, the ferry company will provide the traveller with information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance, help the traveller to make alternative travel arrangements and provide other necessary assistance without undue delay. If the traveller needs assistance during the trip, they must contact the ferry’s info desk, the hotel’s reception or the ferry company’s customer service points The traveller will bear the costs of these and any other special arrangements required by the circumstances (such as new transport, nights in a hotel) that the ferry company makes to accommodate the traveller’s situation. If a situation such as that referred to in Section 10.1.c. arises during a trip, the ferry company must provide the traveller with appropriate assistance and take any reasonable steps to limit the traveller’s losses and inconvenience. The ferry company has the right to charge a reasonable fee for any such assistance provided if the traveller has caused the situation intentionally or through negligence. However, the fee must not exceed the actual costs incurred by the ferry company from providing the assistance.
2.6. The traveller’s responsibilities 
2.6.1. The traveller must observe any instructions and orders regarding the execution of the trip given by the authorities, the ferry company or the ferry company’s representatives, read the AS Tallink Grupp Standard Conditions of Carriage at and Passenger Security Regulations at and comply with the house rules of hotels and subcontractors. 
The traveller is liable for any damage they cause intentionally or through negligence to the ferry company or third parties, for example, by violating the provisions of Section 2.6.1.
2.6.2. The traveller must provide the ferry company with contact details where they may be contacted before and during the trip. 
2.6.3. A representative of a traveller group must provide their group with all the information and documents required for the trip and the ferry company with all necessary information and documents concerning the travellers. The ferry company is deemed to have satisfied its duty to provide information by making the information concerning the trip available to the group’s representative and does not need to provide the information to each individual traveller separately. A representative of a traveller group can make changes to the group’s bookings alone or together with the individual traveller requesting the changes. 
2.6.4. The traveller or the representative of a traveller group is responsible for the accuracy of the information they provide to the ferry company, such as the timing of the trip, the name(s), date(s) of birth and other personal details of the traveller(s) or any special requirements, and for providing the information on time. The ferry company cannot be held liable for any losses resulting from inaccurate or incomplete information having been provided by the traveller or the representative of a traveller group.
2.6.5. The traveller may be held liable for any consequences and/or costs incurred from their use of the services or components included in the package in a manner that violates the package travel contract. For example, failure to use all or part of any transport services included in the package may cause the traveller to lose their right to some or all remaining services. 

3. Conclusion of the contract and payment 
3.1. The contract becomes binding once the initial payment is made to the ferry company by the given due date. 
3.2. The total price of the package must be paid by the due date given by the ferry company or by another agreed due date. Provided that they pay for the package, the traveller is entitled to receive their tickets and other documents relating to their trip well in advance of the trip. 
3.3.  Booking and payment terms
3.3.1. These booking and payment terms are applied to the bookings made via the ferry company’s call centre, sales offices, check-in, web pages and mobile phone applications, and travel agencies. 
3.3.2. These booking and payment terms apply to bookings made for the individual passengers, whereby one booking may include up to 9 passengers. 
3.3.3. These booking and payment terms also apply to bookings made via web pages, whereby one booking may include up to 24 passengers. 
3.3.4. Bookings can be made and paid via the ferry company’s sales office, check-in, web pages or mobile phone application, at a travel agency, or by calling the ferry company’s call centre. 
3.3.5. Bookings can be changed and cancelled via the ferry company’s sales office, check-in, web pages or mobile phone application, at the travel agency where the booking was made, or by calling the ferry company’s call centre. 
3.3.6. Bookings cannot be changed or cancelled via web pages or a mobile phone application, unless the booking system in the ferry company’s web pages or mobile phone application specifically allows changes or cancellations to be made. 
3.4. Payment for the booking
3.4.1. A booking made in the ferry company’s web pages or mobile phone application must be paid upon making the booking. 
3.4.2. A booking made via the ferry company’s call centre, sales office or check-in or at a travel agency must be paid as follows: 
a) If the booking was made more than 28 days before departure, it must be paid within 14 days of making the booking. 
b) If the booking was made 28 to 14 days before departure, it must be paid no later than 14 days before departure. 
c) A booking made 14 days or less before departure must be paid upon making the booking. 
d) If the booking was made less than 5 workdays before departure and the payment was made by bank transfer, a check-in employee has the right to demand that the payment be made upon check-in if the payment cannot be seen on the ferry company’s bank account. 
e) If the booking includes services provided by a subcontractor who is the ferry company’s partner, such services will be governed by the booking and payment terms of the partner concerned.
4. The traveller’s right to cancel the booking before the start of the trip
4.1. The traveller has the right to cancel their booking at any time before the start of the trip. In such circumstances, the ferry company has the right to charge a cancellation fee as follows:
For route, day or hotel trips on the Helsinki-Tallinn route, fees will be charged for the cancellation of the booking as follows:
a) If the booking is cancelled more than 7 days before departure, a processing fee of €5 will be charged.
b) If the booking is cancelled not more than 7 days and at least 48 hours before departure, a processing fee of €5 and a cancellation fee of 20% of the ticket price will be charged.
c) If the booking is cancelled less than 48 hours before departure, the full ticket price will be withheld as cancellation fee. 
4.2. For cancellations of bookings other than those concerning trips indicated in section 4.1. above, fees will be charged as follows:
a) If the booking is cancelled more than 20 days before departure, a processing fee of €10 will be charged.
b) If the booking is cancelled 20-10 days before departure, a processing fee of €10 and a cancellation fee of 20% of the ticket price will be charged.
c) If the booking is cancelled less than 10 days until 48 h before departure, a processing fee of €10 and a cancellation fee of 50% of the ticket price will be charged.
d) If the booking is cancelled less than 48 hours before departure, the full ticket price will be withheld as cancellation fee.
4.3. Travellers who fail to show up for their trip at the appointed time without cancelling their booking or who are unable to attend the trip due to missing documents for which the traveller is responsible will not be entitled to a refund.
4.4. Cancellation costs may differ from those listed in Sections 4.1. and 4.2. in the case of a trip subject to special terms and conditions (Section 1.2.). In such circumstances, the special terms and conditions specify the cancellation costs or how such cancellation costs will be calculated.

5. The traveller’s right to cancel their booking before the start of the trip due to changes made by the ferry company or conditions at the destination
5.1. The traveller has the right to cancel their booking if 
a) the ferry company makes substantial changes to the travel arrangements. Substantial changes include, for example, a change in transportation that results in a considerably longer travel time, changes to departure and arrival times that cause considerable inconvenience or extra costs to travellers, for example, due to having to rearrange their transport or accommodation, a change of destination or a change that significantly decreases the standard of accommodation, as well as substantial changes in the nature of the trip; or
b) they have reason to believe that the ferry company’s ability to perform the trip as agreed has been significantly compromised after the conclusion of the contract due to a force majeure circumstance at the destination or in its vicinity, such as war having broken out in the area, other serious security issues, such as terrorism, a natural disaster, such as flooding, an earthquake or weather conditions, workers’ strikes, significant risks to human health, such as the outbreak of a serious disease at the destination, or other similar circumstances, or if the trip cannot be run without endangering the traveller’s health or life for some other unexpected reason.
c) they have strong reason to believe that the ferry company will otherwise fail to deliver on some essential element of the contract. 
The traveller’s right to cancel the booking depends on the official view of Finnish authorities on the situation or official reporting by a Finnish mission. 
5.2. A traveller who wishes to cancel their booking must communicate their wish to the ferry company without undue delay. A traveller who does not inform the ferry company of their wish to cancel their booking by a reasonable deadline, given in the notice of changes, is deemed to have accepted the proposed changes
5.3. The traveller’s right to cancel their booking due to price increases is established in Section 8.3.
5.4. A traveller who cancels their booking in the aforementioned circumstances is entitled to a refund of the price of the package without undue delay and in any case within 14 days of the cancellation. However, a cancellation fee will be charged if the traveller was aware of the circumstances referred to in Section 5.1.b. when the contract was concluded. 
Travellers who cancel their booking due to the reasons listed in Sections 5.1.a. or 5.1.c. are also entitled to compensation for any amounts they have spent on their trip that have become worthless due to the cancellation unless the changes are due to circumstances that are beyond the ferry company’s or its subcontractor’s control.

6. The traveller’s right to interrupt the trip and terminate the contract during the trip
6.1. The traveller has the right to interrupt the trip if
a) the performance of the travel arrangements is faulty to the point that the trip does not satisfy its original purpose; or
b) a situation referred to in Section 5.1.b. arises during the trip and the traveller was not aware of the conditions at the destination when the contract was concluded.
6.2. A traveller who interrupts their trip or terminates the contract is entitled to a refund of the price of the package and any other payments made to the ferry company. Any services provided by the ferry company that have benefited the traveller (e.g. any portions of a trip consisting of several parts, any meals served during the trip or tickets used by the traveller) will be taken into account when calculating the refund. 
6.3. If necessary, the ferry company must arrange and pay for the return journey of any traveller who wishes to terminate the contract on the grounds of Section 6.1.a. In such circumstances, the traveller must be able to return home using the same form of transport as originally agreed and to the same location from which they departed or another location as agreed.
6.4. A traveller who wishes to interrupt their trip due to the circumstances referred to in Section 6.1.b. and whom the ferry company fails to assist in arranging their return journey pursuant to Section 2.5. have the right to make their own arrangements. However, in such circumstances, the traveller must strive to limit the costs and other losses to be borne by the ferry company. 
6.5. The traveller’s right to compensation is discussed in Section 16. 

7. The traveller’s right to request changes to the contract and transfer the package to another traveller
7.1. The changing of a booking means changing the ferry company’s passenger transport services (including direction and route of the trip, date and time of departure, cabin class, transport of a vehicle) and/or onboard services. Examples of possible changes related to the transport of a vehicle are changes to the height and length of the vehicle.
7.2. Any changes to the personal data in the booking (name, date of birth, nationality, sex and loyal customer number) are not considered a booking change as defined in this section.
7.3. When passenger transport and/or onboard services are changed, the passenger is liable to pay a change fee under these booking and payment terms. In case of services provided by a subcontractor who is the ferry company’s partner, the change dee defined by the party concerned will be charged.
7.4. A booking can be always changed by prior to check-in by paying the fees payable for the changed services according to the ferry company’s price list. In the event of changes to passenger traffic and/or onboard services, the difference in the price of the new services and the originally purchased services will be charged/refunded and a change fee will be charged as follows: 
7.5. No change fee will be charged for booking changes that are made more than 21 days before departure. Route, day and hotel trips on the Helsinki–Tallinn route are subject to special terms and conditions (Sections 7.6. and 7.8.).
7.6. No change fee will be charged for changes to route, day and hotel trips on the Helsinki–Tallinn route that are made more than 7 days before departure. No change fee will be charged for changes made to Business Lounge class tickets.
7.7. Trips other than those referred to in section 7.8. below are subject to a change fee as follows:
a) If the booking is changed 20-10 days before departure and the changed booking is cheaper than the original, a change fee of €10 will be charged to the traveller and the price difference will be refunded. 
b) If the booking is changed 9 days to 24 hours before the departure and the changed trip is cheaper than the original, the price difference between the original booking and the changed trip will not be refunded.
c) If the booking is changed less than 24 hours before departure, then changing is not possible as to route, departure time, and date.
7.8. Changes to route, day and hotel trips on the Helsinki–Tallinn route are subject to a change fee as follows:
a) If the booking is changed not more than 7 days and at least 48 hours before departure and the changed booking is cheaper than the original, a change fee of €5 will be charged to the traveller and the price difference will be refunded. 
b) If the booking is changed not more than 48 hours and at least 45 minutes before departure and the changed booking is cheaper than the original, the price difference between the original booking and the changed trip will not be refunded.
c) The booking can not be changed less than 48 h before the departure. 
7.9. If changes are made to cabin services less than 48 hours before departure, the price difference will be withheld as cancellation fee.
7.10. The ferry company reserves the right to charge a processing fee of €5 per one way of the trip if changes are made after check-in. Any changes to the booking must be made before the closing of the check-in. A traveller is always entitled to change the trip prior to check-in by paying the fees payable for the changed services according to Tallink’s price list. 

8. Changes to prices
8.1. The ferry company has the right to increase the price of the package and a duty to lower the price after the conclusion of the contract on the following grounds: 
a) Changes in transport costs due to fuel and other energy prices; or
b) Changes in taxes or third-party charges that affect the price of the package; or 
c) Changes in currency exchange rates that affect the price of the package, determined on the basis of the exchange rate in force six weeks before the start of the trip. 
8.2. Price increases must not exceed the increase in costs.
8.3. If the price of a traveller’s package is increased by more than 8% calculated as referred to in Section 8.2. after the conclusion of the contract, the traveller has the right to terminate the contract. The traveller must notify the ferry company of their wish to terminate the contract within one day of the traveller receiving notice of the price increase. Notices sent electronically are deemed to have been received on the day they were sent by the ferry company. If no other evidence can be presented of the date on which a communication was received, notices sent by post are deemed to have been received on the seventh day after they were sent. A traveller who cancels their contract is entitled to be refunded any amounts they have paid without undue delay and in any case within 14 days of the cancellation. The traveller’s right to compensation is laid down in Section 16. 
8.4. The ferry company must reimburse the traveller for any decrease in the cost of the package due to the circumstances referred to in Sections 8.1.a-c before the start of the trip. The ferry company has the right to deduct any administrative costs incurred from the refund.  

9. Changes to the package travel contract introduced by the ferry company 
9.1. The traveller is not entitled to cancel their contract or to receive a price reduction or compensation in the event that the ferry company introduces minor changes to the package travel contract before the start of the trip. 
9.2 The traveller is aware that changes to departure and arrival times may be made if weather conditions require such a change with regard to passenger safety on board. Severe weather conditions may also imply that a traveller cannot leave the vessel at the destination and thus may spend the time until the return on board.
9.3. Changes introduced by the ferry company that entitle the traveller to cancel their trip are listed in Section 5.1.
9.4. The traveller has a duty to pay the price of the package and any other agreed charges if the changes introduced by the ferry company are not minor pursuant to Section 9.1. and 9.2 or such that entitle the traveller to cancel the trip pursuant to Section 9.3. However, the provisions laid down in Sections 15 and 16 on the traveller’s right to a price reduction and compensation apply. 
9.5. The ferry company must inform the traveller of any changes by means of a durable medium in a clear, comprehensible and prominent manner. 

10. The ferry company’s right to cancel or interrupt a trip
10.1. The ferry company has the right to cancel a trip if 
a) check-in has not been carried out before departure at the check-in terminal or some other way provided for the purpose 
b) not enough people have signed up for the trip. In this case, the traveller will be informed on the cancellation at least 7 days before the start of the trip in the case of trips lasting from two to six days, or 48 hours before the start of the trip in the case of trips lasting less than two days. 
c) the ferry company’s ability to perform the trip as agreed has been significantly compromised after the conclusion of the contract due to a force majeure circumstance referred to in section 5.1.b. 
10.2. If a circumstance as referred to in Section 10.1.c. arises during a trip, the ferry company has the right to interrupt the trip and make any other necessary changes to the programme. In such circumstances, the ferry company must after their return home reimburse the traveller without delay for the price paid for any components of their package that were not delivered.
10.3. A ferry company that cancels a trip must refund the traveller within 14 days of the cancellation.

11. The ferry company’s right to terminate a contract
11.1. The ferry company has the right to terminate a traveller’s contract if the traveller fails to pay for all or part of their package by the agreed due date. The due date must be reasonable. The document in which the due date is specified must explain the ferry company’s right to terminate the contract on the grounds of non-payment.

12. Breach of contract and complaints
12.1. The ferry company is deemed to be in breach of contract if 
a) the services or other arrangements associated with a trip do not correspond to what has been agreed or what can be deemed to have been agreed; or
b) they fail to provide the traveller with all the information required under the Act on Travel Service Combinations concerning the terms and conditions applicable to the trip, the contents of the package, the necessary travel documents, applicable health regulations, transport links and timetables as well as other necessary information such as instructions in the event that a traveller falls ill, has an accident or encounters other similar difficulty and this can be deemed to have affected the traveller’s decision-making process; or 
c) they fail to provide assistance pursuant to Section 2.5.
12.2. A traveller failing to take advantage of some or all of the transport or other services included in the package does not constitute a breach of contract on the part of the ferry company. 
12.3. Complaints
A traveller wishing to complain about a breach of contract by the ferry company after the trip must notify the ferry company or the retailer of their complaint within a reasonable period of time from when they notice or should have noticed the breach. If the breach of contract concerns onboard services, the traveller is required to immediately notify the ferry’s info desk of the breach. 
Unless the breach of contract requires immediate remedial action, the traveller must allow a reasonable period of time for the breach to be rectified. What constitutes a reasonable period of time depends on the duration of the trip, the destination and other factors relating to the nature of the trip. 
However, the above does not prevent the traveller from filing a complaint if the ferry company or other subcontractor used by the ferry company for assistance in delivering on the contract has acted with gross negligence or in bad faith.

13. Rectifying breaches of contract 
13.1. The ferry company must rectify any breaches of contract immediately or, if immediate remedial action is not necessary, by a reasonable deadline set by the traveller and in a manner that does not result in the traveller incurring any costs or major inconvenience. What constitutes a reasonable deadline for rectifying breaches of contract depends on the nature of the breach and its effect on the traveller as well as the ferry company’s possibilities of rectifying the breach. 
The traveller may be entitled to a price reduction covering the duration of the breach pursuant to Section 15 and to compensation pursuant to Section 16 despite the ferry company’s remedial action.
13.2. The ferry company cannot be expected to rectify a breach of contract if remedial action is impossible or would result in the ferry company incurring unreasonable costs. What constitutes unreasonable costs depends on the scale of the breach and the value of the affected travel services.

14. Provision of alternative services during a trip 
14.1 If a significant portion of travel services included in a traveller’s package cannot be provided as agreed during a trip, the ferry company must make alternative arrangements to complement the package without the traveller incurring any additional costs. Such alternative services must, where possible, be of at least the same standard as the agreed travel services. The ferry company’ duty to make alternative arrangements also applies in cases where a traveller cannot be returned to their original departure location as agreed. 
If the alternative arrangements lower the value of the package compared to what was agreed in the pack-age travel contract, the ferry company must give the traveller an appropriate price reduction.  
14.2. The traveller has the right to turn down any alternative arrangements offered if they differ considerably from what was agreed in the package travel contract or if the price reduction offered by the ferry company is not proportionate to the impact of the change. A traveller who exercises their right to turn down alternative arrangements or to whom no alternative arrangements can be offered has the right to an appropriate price reduction and compensation even if they do not terminate the contract. If the traveller’s package includes a return journey home, the ferry company must arrange for the traveller to be repatriated in the manner agreed in the contract without undue delay and without the traveller incurring any additional costs.
14.3. A traveller who turns down alternative arrangements offered by the ferry company without a justifiable reason as referred to above will not be entitled to compensation or a price reduction.  

15. Price reduction
15.1. If the ferry company fails to rectify a breach of contract without delay or if the breach cannot be remedied, the traveller is entitled to a price reduction proportionate to the impact of the breach unless the ferry company can prove that the breach was caused by the traveller.
15.2. No price reduction is necessary if the breach only has a minor impact considering the entire package. The price reduction depends on the total price of the package rather than the price of the individual service affected by the breach. The traveller’s personal needs and any special wishes expressed in connection with concluding the contract can also be taken into account when assessing the impact of the breach. 

16. Compensation
16.1. The traveller is entitled to compensation for any losses incurred by them because of a breach of contract by the ferry company. The ferry company must pay the compensation without undue delay. However, the right to compensation is lost if the ferry company can demonstrate that  
a) the breach of contract was due to the traveller; 
b) the breach was due to third parties who are unrelated to the provision of travel services and it could not reasonably have been foreseen or prevented;  
c) the breach was due to the kinds of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances referred to in Section 16.8.
16.2. The traveller can be compensated, for example, for any additional costs incurred by them due to a breach of contract and for any amounts they have spent on their trip that have become worthless as well as any loss of income due to a delayed return home, additional costs incurred from having to arrange additional overnight accommodation as well as any loss of enjoyment from the holiday or trip. Compensation for the loss of enjoyment will only be paid in the case of a serious breach of contract by the ferry company.
16.3. The traveller must take any reasonable steps to mitigate their losses. The ferry company cannot be held liable for losses resulting from the traveller’s own actions. 
16.4. Compensation in the event of losses incurred during transport by sea will be calculated based on the rules or contracts applied by the transport operator to their services. The ferry company’s liability for damages in the context of transport is governed by the applicable provisions of the Finnish Maritime Act (674/1994) or Regulation (EC) No 392/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the liability of carriers of passengers by sea in the event of accidents and the Finnish Act on Transport by Air (289/1937). 
16.5. The amount of compensation payable to the traveller depends on the amount of losses incurred by them and is in all cases limited to three times the price of their package. However, this limitation of liability does not apply in the event of personal injury or other losses caused intentionally or through negligence.
16.6. To be eligible for compensation, the traveller must demonstrate that the ferry company has committed a breach of contract and that the losses are directly attributable to the breach. The burden of proof regarding the amount of losses also rests with the traveller. 
16.7. The traveller’s liability for damages payable to the ferry company is laid down in Section 2.6.1.
16.8. Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances
The ferry company cannot be held liable for any losses resulting from unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances that are beyond the ferry company’s control and the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable steps had been taken. Force majeure circumstances are described in Section 5.1.b. 
16.9. If a traveller’s return home cannot be arranged as planned due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, the ferry company has a duty to cover any costs of alternative accommodation, where possible, of the standard specified in the package travel contract in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1177/2010 concerning the rights of passengers.

17. Booking errors 
17.1. The ferry company must without undue delay reimburse the traveller for any losses incurred because of a technical fault in the ferry company’s booking system or an error made during the booking process 
17.2. However, the traveller is not entitled to compensation if the booking error is due to the traveller or the kinds of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances referred to in Section 16.8. 
17.3. Booking errors may be attributable to the traveller, for example, if they provide the ferry company with incorrect or incomplete information concerning themself or the trip. The traveller also has a general duty of care to check all provided documents, such as the booking confirmation letter, and to notify the ferry company of any missing information or mistakes as soon as possible. Any failure by a traveller to check the documents may be considered when calculating the amount of compensation payable to the traveller for any losses incurred. 

18. Deduction of compensation paid under other laws 
18.1. Any price reduction given or compensation paid to a traveller pursuant to European Union laws governing the rights of travellers or international conventions will be deducted from any compensation payable pursuant to these terms and conditions.
18.2. The traveller has a duty to declare any compensation they have received because of breaches of the package travel contract from other parties to the ferry company.

19. Claims for damages
19.1. The procedure for filing complaints concerning breaches of contract by the ferry company is laid down in Section 12.  
19.2. Claims for damages must be filed with the ferry company in writing within two months of the end of the trip.

20. Disputes
20.1. If a dispute concerning a package travel contract cannot be settled between the parties, a consumer has the right to refer the case to the Consumer Disputes Board ( for resolution. A consumer wishing to refer a case to the Consumer Disputes Board must first contact the Consumer Advisory Services ( A traveller can also file a civil suit in their local District Court.




Import regulations

When you are travelling to Finland, Sweden, Estonia or Latvia pay attention to the rules for customs regulations.

When traveling from another European Union country to another, goods can normally be brought free of charge and without restrictions. An exception is made for alcohol and tobacco products, which are subject to quantitative import restriction.

Shops on board the ships sailing between Finland and Sweden (via Aland Islands) are tax free. Note the quantitative restrictions for purschases stated in the tax free catalogues available on board.

(yrs) for shopping on board
Alcohol (>22%)
Alcohol (<22%)
To Finland
To Sweden




여행 중에는 승객과 수화물 안전 및 보상을 충분히 보장할 수 있는 금액의 보험을 소지하시기 바랍니다.

As Tallink Grupp / Tallink Silja Oy's Passenger security regulations

In order to ensure the comfort, safety and security of all persons onboard, passengers are to follow these security regulations, instructions on safety and security given by the personnel of the ship or as stipulated by signs placed on board. The crew represents the ship’s captain regarding the keeping of order, safety and security in the ship. No passenger should either disturb the co-passengers without a reason or threaten or act wrongfully in some other way during the trip. A person who cannot cope with self-control or behaves disturbingly or improperly can, in sake of safety and under captains orders be placed in custody up to the end of the trip.

1. The passenger has to carry a valid boarding pass and upon request prove his/her identity by presenting a valid identity document to the ship’s security staff or other member of the ship’s staff.

2. Anyone on board of the ship or in port premises may be subjected to a bodily search, check of luggage or can be asked for clarifications for the matters of safety and security. There is no obligation to agree with the luggage check, bodily search or giving clarifications, but the person having refused from it can be expelled from the ship or the port area and the police can be informed of the same. Any closed luggage, vehicle, cabin or other closed storage of the passenger can be searched. Any passenger refused of access to or expelled from the ship has no right for compensation for unused tickets or other costs incurred to the passenger.

3. The passenger should have the necessary valid travel documents in his/her possession throughout the trip. If the shipping company is held liable or otherwise affected due to the missing or incomplete travel or other documents of a passenger, such passenger is liable for the expenses incurred to the shipping company.

4. The passenger is not allowed on board of the ship, if he/she behaves threateningly, disturbingly or otherwise causes trouble to other passengers, does not fulfil the established requirements or rules, is indecently dressed or there are any other weighty reasons for denying access.
Persons who are strongly intoxicated, breach the rules or interfere with security or comfort of the co-passengers, or persons dangerous to themselves, to co-passengers, to the crew or to the ship, can, under captains orders, be placed in custody and expelled from the ship in the port of departure or in the next port and can be handed over to the local police. A person disturbing co-passengers in the area of cabins can be removed from the cabin area and denied the right to use his/her cabin. Additionally, measures stipulated in this section can be applied to him/her.

5. The consumption of alcoholic drinks is allowed only in the restaurants and other catering areas of the ship. The consumption of alcoholic drinks taken along on board is prohibited. The consumption of alcoholic drinks on ship´s public areas, bought from ship´s tax free or traveler stores, is prohibited. It’s forbidden to consume food brought along onboard with the exceptions of special diets or baby food.

Passenger cannot bring onboard foodstuff and alcohol to cruise trips, trips organized by third parties and special trips and/or special cruises with the exception of special diet or baby food. Company has a right to detain and destroy alcohol and foodstuff without obligation to compensate the passenger. 

6. The passengers are not allowed to bring hazardous objects or materials onboard. Firearms or other weapons and ammunition need to be declared at time of booking the trip or at ships at information desk and deposited to the security box located onboard the ship. The crew has a right to ask documentation, allowing the passenger to carry the weapon or ammunition to country of destination. Without presenting the documentation, company has a right to refuse to carry the passenger to country of destination. Company is not liable for damages incurred to passenger.

7. Possession and use of drugs aboard is forbidden and police will be notified. Carrying drugs for intended for medical use requires doctor’s certificate, presenting of which can be asked.

8. The use of open fire onboard is forbidden with the exception of lighting tobacco product for the purposes of smoking in the designated areas. Passengers are not allowed to use electrical boiling spirals or any other electrical equipment for preparing food or drinks in the cabins or other public areas and such equipment can be temporarily detained by the ship’s staff. Passengers are prohibited from leaving any electronic devices they brought with them that are connected to the ship’s power supply unattended.

It is forbidden to ride bikes and scooters etc., incl electrical, onboard, except for riding to and from car deck.

9. Smoking is allowed only in the places signed accordingly and meant for that purpose. Smoking (including e-cigarettes) in the passenger areas, cabin areas and other public areas of the ship is forbidden. Concealing or damaging the vessels smoke detectors is expressly forbidden.

10. During the trip passengers are allowed to stay only in the passenger areas. Stay on the car deck without permission, repairing of vehicles and handling of fuel is forbidden during the trip.

11. Passengers should consider the comfort of co-passengers onboard. Use of loudspeakers or other similar devices, which can create loud sounds, is not allowed in the cabin department and such devices can be detained temporarily until the end of trip.

12. Leaders of the youth groups are responsible for the activities of the members of their group and for the fulfilment of these security regulations by them onboard. In the problem situations the group leader cooperates with the crew and follows the instructions given by them.

13. Movables located in the cabins (pillows, bedclothes, chairs and other movables owned by the shipping company) cannot be taken out of the cabin or damaged. The police will be informed of thefts, burglary, fraud and threats committed aboard the ship.

14. Any damaging, violation or unjustified activation of the ship’s security, alarm or safety equipment is strictly prohibited. Police will be informed of the above mentioned violations.

15. Passenger who has broken, stolen or otherwise caused damage by his/her activities to the ship’s property, is obliged to compensate the damage caused. Passenger can settle such compensation immediately at the ship’s information counter or it can be collected afterwards from the passenger. Passengers having the same cabin under the same booking are jointly and severally liable for damages caused to the cabin or cabin property.

16. Passengers are not allowed to conduct business or other sales activities onboard, to organize funds, run lotteries or propaganda events, agitate or give political speeches, unless the activity has been agreed with the shipping company in advance.

17. The shipping company is not liable for the passenger’s cash, securities, gold, silver objects, jewels, decorations, art works or other valuables and other personal belongings left in the cabin. The valuables and jewels of the passenger can be deposited in the safebox located in the information counter or elsewhere on the ship.

18. In the event that an act, which is committed on board is considered to be a criminal offense under the laws of the flag state, the master shall be guided by the relevant laws of the flag state to ensure the taking of evidence and the inviolability of the scene of the act.

19. Taking pictures or filming passengers or crew onboard is allowed only with their consent.

The instructions related to the luggage are provided to the passengers in the terminal, on board of the ship and in travelling and other documents. Additional information can be found in the sales brochures and on the company’s website and

Each passenger (i.e. the person who is not a member of the crew) should be subject to the above provided regulations on board of the ship and in the terminal according to §60 (4) of the Estonian Merchant Shipping Act, Finnish Shipping Code chapter 15 (4), Swedish Shipping Code chapter 15 (7), International Ship and Port Facility Security Code, EU regulation 725/2004 and the provisions stipulated in the security related circular letters of the Estonian, Finnish, Latvian and Swedish maritime administrations.

Approved by the Management Board of AS Tallink Grupp, 01.03.2023


예매 및 티켓


예매 시에는 각 승객에 대한 다음 정보가 필요합니다.
- 성
- 이름
- 성별
- 생년월일 (일.월.연도 순)
- 여권 국적
- 전화 번호 

선실 위치

선박의 특정 선실이나 구역을 예매하는 것은 불가능하나 요청 사항을 가능한 반영하여 배정해 드립니다. 화재 방지와 승객 편의를 위해 실내 흡연은 엄격히 금지되며 바깥 지정된 곳에서만 흡연하실 수 있습니다. 

티켓 지불

호텔 예약 및 지불은 출발 일자 전 2일까지 이루어져야 합니다. 실야라인의 상품 가격은 계약에 따르며 호텔 바우처 결제까지의 선 예약을 전제로 합니다. 

예약 변경

예매 내역을 변경하고자 하는 경우에는 이전 예약을 취소하고 새 예매를 진행하여야 합니다. 재예매 시에는 변경 사항이  표기되어야 하며 금액 차이가 있을 경우에는 변경 시에 결제가 요청됩니다. 

티켓 분실 

승선권을 분실했을 경우에는 재구매를 하여야 합니다. 재구매 후 원 승선권이 발견되면 탈린크 실야 본사나 선내 안내데스크에 문의바랍니다. 티켓 분실 커버가 가능한 여행 보험을 권합니다. 

미사용 티켓

미사용된 티켓은 예매 내역이 규정에 따라 취소되어 기록되었을 때 환불 가능합니다. 취소 수수료가 발생할 수 있으며 이는 예매 규정에 따릅니다.

유효 기간

티켓은 구매 후 6개월 간 유효합니다.

차량 정보

차량 예약 시에는 차량의 높이와 길이, 기타 외부 적재물(스키 박스 등)의 수치가 필요합니다. 체크인에서 수치가 맞지 않을 경우 일정 수수료로 다른 자리를 예매해야 하는 경우가 발생할 수 있습니다. 이 경우는 공석이 있을 때 가능합니다. 

선물 바우처

기프트 바우처로 결제할 경우에는 예매 시 제품 번호(Product code)가 공지되어야 합니다. 기프트 바우처 사용은 언급된 제품과 기간에만 한정됩니다. 




터미널 체크인 데스크에서 확정 및 결제할 때는 예매 건당 수수료 8€가 포함됩니다. 수수료는 결제 방식과 여행 날짜에 구애받지 않으며 동일하게 부과됩니다.

탈린크 실야 오피스나 터미널에서 예매, 변경, 취소할 때는 수수료가 붙지 않습니다. 또한 온라인, 전화 상담으로 예매를 하거나 카드 및 청구서로 결제를 할 때도 수수료가 면제됩니다. 

Service fee for other than Tallink Silja products

A service fee will be added for services provided by Tallink Silja's partners when the service is purshased from our offices. Service fee is charged for example for Air-Sea packages, theatre tickets or transit between Sweden and Denmark or/and Sweden and Germany operated by partners such as TT-Line and Scandlines.

• AirSea 15 €/booking
• Theatre ticket 15 €/booking
• Connecting trip by TT-Line or Scandilines 15 €/ booking

If there is more than one partner service in same booking service fee is charges once based on the highest fee. Service fee will not be returned in case of cancellation.


건강 상태, 임신 및 신체 장애

탈린크 실야의 선박은 선내 상주 간호사가 있으며 선내에서 발생한 위급 상황의 경우 구급 처치와 약을 제공합니다. 단, 셔틀 메가스타/스타에는 본 서비스가 제공되지 않습니다.

여행 전 병이나 부상으로 인해 건강이 악화되었을 경우에는 해외 여행 및 크루즈에 방해 요소가 없도록 의사의 조언을 구하는 것이 바람직합니다. 

말기 임산부에게는 크루즈 여행을 권하지 않습니다. 

신체 장애 요소가 있는 승객들께서는 여행 계획 단계에서 해상 여행의 한계점을 인지하시고 비상시 대처법을 염두에 두시기 바랍니다. 보조 인력의 도움이 필요한 승객은 적합한 수행인과 동행하시기 바랍니다. 

위에 명시된 도움이 필요하신 승객께서는 예매 시 필요 사항을 실야라인에게 공지해주시고 탑승 후 안내데스크에 알려주시기 바랍니다.

신체 활동 보조 정보

Terms and conditions for payment and cancellations for groups

Terms and conditions for payment and cancellations for individual travelling

The passenger's rights and responsibilities

Passengers must observe the shipping company's regulations and the ship's captain's rules concerning order and safety on board the ship. The rules are displayed in the terminals and on board the ships.

The ship's personnel have the right to refuse passage of persons who may disturb or pose a danger to other passengers, themselves or the ship's safety, are under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, display disturbing or threatening behaviour, or do not otherwise comply with the rules concerning age, security, order or other regulations.

Alcoholic beverages purchased on board may not be consumed in the public areas. For the convenience of all passengers, disturbing behaviour in cabins or corridors in the cabin sections is not allowed.

Passengers have no access to the car deck during the voyage.

Smoking is allowed in designated smoking areas. Smoking is not allowed in the cabins.

Passengers are themselves responsible for their luggage. Silja Line will not compensate passengers for damage to luggage caused by the passenger themself or by the passenger's own carelessness. Silja Line is not obliged to compensate passengers for money, securities or valuables unless it was deposited in a safety deposit box at the ship's Information desk. Goods stored in lockers are not regarded as having been delivered to the shipping company for safekeeping. For more information, see the Terms and Conditions of passage concerning passengers and their luggage.

The passenger has to leave the cabin when the ship arrives at the passenger's destination port, when the contract of passage ends.

Passengers are themselves responsible for contacting competent authorities to find out which travel documents they need and for procuring such documents. Passengers are themselves responsible for providing the necessary valid travel documents and proof of identity.

Passengers are liable to compensate the shipping company in full for any damage attributable to their carelessness or negligence.